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Tuesday 11 August 2015


"I, Who am less than the least of all saints, this grace was given to Preach to the rich Nations of Christ USIOPIMIKA; and to make all men see what is the dispensation of the mystery for ages in Which God Created All Things dialup, so far, Through the Church, God's manifold wisdom known to the Rulers and Authorities in the heavenly Realms "(Ephesians 3: 8-10).
"I, Who am less than the least of all saints, this grace was given to Preach to the rich Nations of Christ USIOPIMIKA; and to make all men see what is the dispensation of the mystery for ages in Which God Created All Things dialup, so far, Through the Church, God's manifold wisdom known to the Rulers and Authorities in the heavenly Realms "(Ephesians 3: 8-10).

"And my God shall supply ALL NEEDS TO BE AS OF WEALTH FOR HIS GLORY, IN CHRIST JESUS" (Philippians 4: 9) Christ is unfathomable Riches. And All That is therein are Heirs with him of the unfathomable Riches. Given this wealth We are Filled EVERY What we need. These needs are spiritual, intellectual

 and physically. Therefore there is no reason for a Christian to live a life of want, Ta'if Christ is in His heart and his wealth was limitless. Or do you have a Different opinion on this?
The thing to ask is this; Why this unfathomable richness of Christ Invincible in the lives of many Christians? Christians living up in the Testimony of Salvation in Christ, while living in a world of Economic the rdship? Servants of God, For Example, Pastors, Evangelists, and so forth, living up to serve God properly without losing their Plot Testimony when THEY live in an economically difficult life?
These are not easy questions to answer, BUT it is Important to be addressed. Before we begin to answer I would read Ephesians 4:11: "He (Jesus Christ) gave read to be Apostles, Prophets be read to, Evangelists to be read, and read Pastors and Teachers. " It is for what purpose the Lord Jesus Christ Decided to Keep Them in His work in church? Ephesians 4: 12-16 gives us the details: - "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, the body of Christ may be built up, so we all Reach unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, even, to Reach the rank of the stature of the Fullness of Christ, That we shouldnt no longer children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with Every wind of doctrine, by the SLEIGHT of men, and Cunning craftiness, walk to Deceive. But speaking the truth in love and grow the truth at all, he is the head, Christ. In him the whole body, joined and interconnected Through Every link, according to the performance of Every part, Keth increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love "By reading These lines we Become aware of being and listed These are Servants of God in Christ. And THEY have a special Responsibility given to them by God. It is Important to Remember That ALSO THEY not alone dialup are Sent to work with Christ, BUT Every Christian has a Responsibility to do (John 17:18; Romans 12: 4-8). I firmly believe we understand God watunzaje That His Servants in the Bible, we find the light of how he Cares for his Servants and people today. It shouldnt Remember That He is the one who was present, was present and dialup is to come (Revelation 4: 8) and is "the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13: 8) After reading the bible carefully I saw That there are four ways God has been used serving and caring for his people and his Servants. And I believe even, today is original These methods, the MANNER in Which he himself has chosen. The first method; Salary: One way he Uses it to give its people the salaries or wages - According to the work They do. "It was a soldier does goeth to the battle at any time at His own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or dialup tends a flock and does not drink of milk the group? Do I speak These men? Or does the law say the same? For it is written in the law of Moses, Do not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain. Is there God take care for NOXEN? Or thee saith he it altogether for us? Well, THEY WERE written for us, not since plowing corn is cultivated His right to hope, and threshes is His right to hope for a part of it. "If we have sown unto you spiritual Things did! It is a big word Carnal we reap your things? ".......... Not know That the work of the temple wazifanyao The Things of the temple, and THEY Which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar? And so the Lord has commanded it dialup Those That Preach the gospel shouldnt live of the gospel "(1 Corinthians 9: 7-14) Because you work for the gospel, the Lord has commanded That to make a living of the gospel. Others from a misunderstanding on the same lines, we read, have Turned the task of serving God as a project to give money to help him survive. But such work is a calling. With Each call has its purpose. And not since God knows That you need to have the Necessities of life, it gives you a salary or wages. The way he used to give salaries or wages are numerous, and it is original as He Wills. And for Those with a mechanism to give Pastors as salaries, Often These funds take their Plot Not Enough to meet daily needs and their families. And this is the reality. But the Important thing is That They are given a salary. If you read the book of Numbers 18: 8-15, 18-20 and Deuteronomy 18: 1-5 you will see That the children of Israel AS THEY THEY give to God sacrificed so the Priests Were Their vyoopokea REWARD. In other words it means that, IF THEY gave little sacrifice, then the Priests would find little REWARD. And ALSO the Servants of Christ are to be Cared for food in homes That are going to serve. "He said, the harvest is plentiful, the laborers are FEW BUT: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers Into His harvest. Go watch send as lambs in wolves ..... And any house you enter, first say, Peace to this house ...... therefore, Remain in the same house, eating and drinking them: for the laborer is worthy of His hire ..... And whatever city you enter, and THEY Receive you, eat what is set Before you "(Luke 10: 1-8). Method Two: Delivery: Another way in Which Ministers of Christ and Christians can Receive materials to help them in their lives Through the delivery. The Bible says in Luke 6:38: "Dear people Things, shall be given, dose Filled and pressed, and running over to the spill, is what shall men give Into your bosom. For the same Measure mpiamacho That it will be Measured. "The most Important question to ask is Ta'if someone can Provide as it does nothing to offer. It is clear That he can not deliver. But Often not done something to offer to God. And God knows this. Even in the Wilderness when he told the Israelites to pay for the construction of the Tabernacle of communing; That perfectly well Knew He Had he given These Things Before THEY left Egypt. So THEY THEY offer received Had God willing. And THEY offered, the Lord blessed the most. For a Christian to do! Anapotakiwa give, to Receive, to give what was given to God? Linalonijia first idea is to give a TENTH of His monthly salary according to the scriptures. Read Malachi 3:10. Christian God does not have a faithful commitment to its rendering Tithing, he expects to be blessed in what way? And do! It is good for sentiment issuer shepherd, when he taught Christians to be givers? Better to give than to Receive. Some say better to Receive than to give. But the word of God says better to give than to Receive. The problem with Many Christians in the provision THEY Tend to make without a specific goal. Others Were told to give to give, BUT THEY themselves do not have a specific goal in time delivery. And for this reason They do not see an existing blessing in the lives of delivery. Looking at the record, you will see there are serious Reasons That following: (a) We thank God That is in Christ Jesus for the delivery (2 Corinthians 9:11 -12) (b) We offer to preached the gospel (1 Corinthians 9: 7-14) (c) That Were lacking We shouldnt live (2 Corinthians 9:12), (d) We offer to God rebuke Satan or the one who Destroyed OUR fruit in Christ (Malachi 3: 10-12) ( e) We order That we may more (Malachi 3:10 - 13; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11) When you give anything to God as a sacrifice, or tithe or offering, be it Into Your goals. Many Christians for THEY Tend to offer Example would expect to Receive. Often I ask the audience I teach on this matter right; "Do you do you give money as charity?" They answer; "Yes, 'then I ask again:" Have do you give people money to help them in their distress? "They ALSO answered" Yes "then tell you to read Luke 6:38, Which reads:" Give, and it shall be given; SCALE hunger and pressed, and are slathered -SUKWA even, spill, is what shall men give Into Your bosom. By the same Measure That you use it will be Measured. "If you give money, God original His ways will give you another currency for measurement of the hanger and pressed, and woven-tossed to spill! Why God akutajirishe? Is That Targets delivery I said to continue to be implemented! So bearer, for there God has kwishakupa Things are ready, Even If They are FEW. The third way, Miracle: A miracle is an act That appears Different from the procedures familiar to man. Do you remember how the prophet Elijah was fed by God to use crow? And You remember how God vyomlisha prophet Elijah, Through The mother of Serepta? Do you remember how God fed the mother of Serepta with his son for a miracle. And the children of Israel did not and THEY WERE fed with manna in the Wilderness? Do you think God can not do it again? Or you're on the side of Those Who Say the death of the Apostles miracles ceased? I believe Our ​​God has not changed and he can do no more miracles in His Servants feeding. But do not stop working for wanting kuusubiri miracle of the Lord. That will not be the same. Because God has Many Ways to care for his people, a miracle is one way, and this method does not use very Often; and remember he used at the time and the man he Wants She Wants; for the glory of His name. The fourth way; Work to increase income Granted salaries are their Plot Not Enough to meet daily needs and their families. Reads in 2Thessalonians 3: 6-12; The Apostle Paul Tells the Thessalonians about the importance of everyone working. And yet she continues, "If one does not work, let him not eat. And in 1 Thessalonians 4:11 - 15 is increasingly concentrating on working man with his own hands. I believe you know that although it people attending the Apostle Paul to give MD support him life, BUT he himself did not overwhelm them, BUT worked with his hands to add His income. Pastors and Many Christians are involved in various projects Personally for income generation. This is a good thing, BUT it is Important to be careful That These projects or work you do to the increased income, THEY will not ruin your relationship with God and impede your call.

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